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Paola Floridia

Of Counsel


Paola Floridia collaborates with Comandè Di Nola Restuccia Avvocati since its foundation in February 2016. She is specialised in administrative law.

She coordinates the department of Energy Law.

Throughout her career she has gained a wide experience in the branches of energy, contracts, maritime domain and law, construction, town planning, utilities, administrative liability of civil servants, health. She graduated cum laude from the University of Palermo with a degree in Law in 2001; wrote a dissertation on antitrust law (‘Profili costituzionali di tutela della concorrenza’). In 1998 she took part in the university education and training Erasmus Programme so she has passed the Public International Law and Jurisprudence exams at the University of Aberdeen.

She is in the Palermo Law Society Roll since 2004.

Paola Floridia is author and teaches energy, contracts and administrative liability of civil servants in training courses and university masters. In 2003 she conducted a research for C.I.R.P.I.E.T. – University of Palermo and took part in an international project, maintained by EU, PORT NET MED PLUS.

She speaks Italian, English and French.



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