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The Firm

The Law Firm, founded in 2016, is the outcome of the merger between “Comandè Avvocati” and “Di Nola Restuccia”, already consolidated firms of excellence in the fields of administrative law, banking law financial regulation, commercial and bankruptcy law.

As often happens, professional experiences have a natural development that leads to the creation of new horizons, result of the progress of those who have conceived and strongly wanted those experiences

Comandé Avvocati and Di Nola Restuccia law firm are the experiences that in February 2016 have become CDRA – Comandé Di Nola Restuccia Avvocati, a group of practitioners sharing purposes, working as a team not aiming only for money.

CDRA, is not only the outcome of the merger of the law firms “Comandé Avvocati” and “Di Nola Restuccia”, already consolidated firms of excellence all over the country in the fields of administrative, commercial and company law as well as company crisis management, but in order to express the will of the founders, Carlo Comandé, Sergio Di Nola and Antonino Restuccia, it aims to become something new in the world of Italian legal profession.

The key philosophy of our activity is based on close collaboration and crucial solidarity among colleagues, namely we want the practitioners to trust their colleagues and assistants in every moment and situation, in order to offer to the Clients of the Firm the highest level service, thanks to a general top preparation that allows different people to work on the same project.

The aim of the founders is to create a firm specialised in the vast branch of administrative, banking, commercial and bankruptcy Law, characterized by deep knowledge, attention to details, human resources enhancement and, above all, focused on clients, on rendering them a regular personal legal service, a real juridical reception capable of convey the feeling of sharing with the companies or administrations we assist the concern about their difficulties.

Through the years the firm has been a dynamic working environment characterized by highly qualified year-long experience.

The professional experience of the three founders, the “bespoke” way of manage every single case, the careful technical solutions offered and the special care for the privacy of the clients are the main strengths of the Firm, that can rely on more than twenty lawyers, besides the numerous trainees, with various specialisations from the branch of administrative and bankruptcy litigation, of company, banking, financial and inheritance law; moreover we can provide advice in the field of contracts energy, project financing, town planning, wealth management, crisis management, banking law financial regulation.

CDRA is developing on a sound basis of year-long professional experience; the Firm has prestigious offices in Rome, Milan, Palermo and New York therefore can render its services all over the country and can be a valuable international reference also thanks  to a dense network of important relations with law firms all over Europe and the United States.

Moreover, recently we have established partnerships with some excellent Italian law firm such as Proia & Partners, one of the most outstanding firms in the field of labour law.

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Premio Centro Studi TopLegal cdra 1
Migliore studio e Migliori professionisti 2020 cdra
Premio Contenzioso Amministrativo cdra
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premio Leaders League 1
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finance awards 2017 cdra
finance report 2017 cdra legal community
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CDRA Avvocati aims to become “something new”
in the world of Italian legal profession.


The Law Firm has prestigious offices in Rome, Milan, Palermo and New York therefore can render its services all over the country and can be a valuable international reference also thanks to a dense network of important relations with law firms all over Europe and the United States.
Moreover, recently we have established partnerships with some excellent Italian law firm such as Proia & Partners, one of the most outstanding firms in the field of labour law.


Via Festa del Perdono, 10
Tel. +39 02 39401011


Via Pompeo Magno, 23/a
Tel. +39 06 3215007


Via Caltanissetta, 2/d
Tel. +39 091 340070


Cilio & Partners, P.C.
230 Park Avenue, Suite 2415, NY 10169
+(212) 223 -1581, Fax. +(212) 223 -1578

See all the founders of the Law Firm