Andrea Ciulla collaborates with Comandè Di Nola Restuccia Avvocati since its foundation in February 2016.
He coordinates the department of Project Financing – Public Contracts Law.
He is specialised in administrative law and has gained a wide experience in the branches of public contracts, both in tender procedures and in the execution phase, of concessions and construction and project financing, trade, crafts and industry, maritime domain, town planning, administrative public loss liability, electoral law, surveillance on public corporations, gas and fuels distribution and commercialisation, health as well as of public European and national funds allocation and issuing.
He graduated cum laude from the University of Palermo with a degree in Law in 2004 his dissertation on constitutional law (‘I sistemi elettorali’).
In 2006 he completed an international 2nd level university master’s degree in public policies, local development and negotiated planning; his dissertation on institutional partnership in negotiated planning and local development (‘La Programmazione Negoziata e lo Sviluppo Locale. Gli strumenti del partenariato istituzionale ‘) was supervised by Professor Alessandro Hoffmann.
In 2005 he obtained the D.E.L.E. certification (‘ Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera’).
He took part as teacher and speaker in various seminars, lectures and meetings about his field of specialisation.
He wrote several contributions concerning the matters of his competence for specialised magazines.
He has been legal advisor to public Administration.
Andrea Ciulla is in the Palermo Law Society Roll since 2007.
He speaks Italian and Spanish.