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Libera Cimino

Senior Associate

Libera Cimino

Libera Cimino joined the CDRA team in 2017. She previously worked with prestigious international law firms.

She specializes in corporate law, restructuring and civil litigation.

She is the head of the Department of Corporate Crisis – Restructuring.

She graduated in 2005 from the University of Catania, discussing a thesis in Private Law of Economy entitled “The mooring contract and models of causal availability“.

She is a member of the Bar Association of Milan since 2009.

Complete and versatile, she mainly provides strategic assistance in business crisis, advising and accompanying her clients throughout the restructuring process, from the identification of the most appropriate legal instrument to the execution of any agreements or recovery plans.

She also provides out-of-court advice to industrial operators and financial institutions in the drafting and negotiation of civil, commercial and banking contracts, both in extraordinary transactions and in day-by-day management.

During her career, she has gained extensive experience in litigation before the courts and in arbitration proceedings in civil, commercial and bankruptcy matters.


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