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Andrea Pezzer


Andrea Pezzer graduated in Law cum laude in 2022 from the University of Palermo, discussing a thesis in Constitutional Law entitled “Emergency Ordinances and the Prime Ministerial Decree in the management of states of emergency” with Professor Laura Lorello, as supervisor.

In. A.Y. 2021-2022 he took part in the Erasmus Plus international mobility programme and attended the semester at the Faculty of Law of the Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), taking exams in Derecho Romano (Roman Law), Derecho Canonico Europeo (Ecclesiastical Law), and Derecho Societario (Commercial Law II).

In the A.Y. 2020-2021 he did his curricular internship at the law firm CDRA – Comandè Di Nola Restuccia Associati.

He started collaborating again with the law firm  CDRA- Comandè Di Nola Restuccia Associati in April 2022.

He Speaks Italian, English and Spanish.


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